Commentarii bellici Raymundi Sac. Rom. Imp. Principis Montecuccoli juncto artis bellicae systemate ex augustissimae bibliothecae authographo nunquam hactenus edito, Figuris Aeneis illustrati, cum privilegio Sac. Caes. Majestatis

Autore: MONTECUCCOLI, Raimondo (1608-1681)

Tipografo: Ignatium Dominicum Voigt Universit. Typogr.

Dati tipografici: Vienna, 1718

Formato: in folio

Folio (305x195 mm); engraved allegorical title-page (by Johann Andreas Pfeffel), (10), 216 pp. and 2 engraved plates followed by 2 blank leaves. With moreover 28 half-page engravings (165x135 mm) and the author's medaillon portrait. Collation: *2 )(2, )()(2, A-G2, H3, I-Hhh2. Recent half calf, spine in compartments with gilt repeated floral ornament and title (original boards preserved). A very good copy only slightly browned.

Rare first Latin edition (based on the autograph manuscripts preserved in Vienna), the most complete and most profusely illustrated until then. The work had first appeared in Italian in 1704 under the title Memorie del general principe che rinfermano una esatta instruzzione. The text was then translated into French (1712) and German (1736).

The edition contains: Aphorismi generales de arte bellica (pp. 1-84); Aphorismi applicati belli Turcici in Ungaria (pp. 85-166); Systema artis militaris (pp. 167-207); Epitome gestorum et vitae Raymundi Montcuccoli (pp. 208-216).

ICCU, IT\ICCU\TO0E\041986 (4 copies).
