Volume, che contiene gli Statuti della Sacra Religione Gerosolimitana; le Ordinazioni dell'ultimo Capitolo generale, che sono le sole, che sussistono; il Nuovo Cerimoniale prescritto dalla Santità di N. Sig. Papa Vrbano VIII. sopra l'Elezione de' Gran Maestri; il Modo, o sia Instruzione di far I Processi de' Miglioramenti delle Commende [...]; l'Ordine che si tiene nel dar l'Abito, a chi professa nella Religione; e per ultimo i Privilegi concessi da' Sommi Pontefici alla Religione, e suoi Dependenti
Tipografo: per Antonio Scionico Stampatore Camerale
Dati tipografici: In Borgo Novo nel Marchesato di Roccaforte (Rocchetta Ligure), 1719
Six parts in one volume, folio (298x208 mm). I (Statuti della Sac. Religione di S. Gio. Gerosolimitano, 1718): [8, including the general title and the engraved section title], 16, [2: engraved portrait of the Gran Master Raimundo Rabasa de Perellós y Rocafull], 308 pp.; II (Compendio alfabetico de Statuti della Sacra Religione Gerosolimitana, 1718): [2: engraved section title], [4: index], 120 pp.; III (Ordinationi del Capitolo generale celebrato nell'anno MDCXXXI del fu Em.mo e Rev. Gran Maestro fra Antonio de Paola, 1718): [2: engraved section title], 210 pp.; IV (Ceremoniale della Santità di N.S. Vrbano Papa Ottavo, sopra l'Elezione del Gran Maestro dello Spedale di S. Gio: Gerosolimitano, 1718): 32 pp.; V (Privilegi della Sacra Religione di San Giovanni Gerosolimitano, 1718): [2: section title], 116 pp.; VI (S.D.N. D. Urbani Divina Providentia Papae VIII. Caeremoniale super electione Magni Magistri Hospitalis S. Ioannis Hierosolymitani): 12 pp. The engraved portrait of the Gran Master Raimundo Rabasa de Perellós y Rocafull (1635-1720), to whom the volume is dedicated by the Baglivo Fr. Giovanni Battista Spinola (from Genoa, 1 April 1719), and the three engraved section titles are by Sebastiano Merello. Contemporary vellum over boards with overlapping edges, gilt spine with five raised bands and morocco lettering piece, faded light blue edges. On the title pages ownership inscription by Artaserse Bayardi, Count of Terenzo and Viarolo (1765-1812). Occasional manuscript notes throughout the volume presumably in the same hand. Tear anciently repaired to the upper margin of l. D2 in part two with no damage to the text, some occasional marginal foxing, a very good, wide-margined copy.
Second revised edition of the statutes of the Sovereign Order of Malta printed in Borgo Novo (today Rocchetta Ligure) in the Marquisate of Roccaforte and edited by Fr. Giovanni Battista Spinola (1688-1737). The first edition had appeared in 1674.
“Among the great and noble Spinola family, the branch of the Marquises of Roccaforte di Val Borbera was the most prominent in the seventeenth century for the number of knights given to the Order of Malta and for the dignities and prestigious offices achieved within it […] [Among them is the figure of] Fra Giovanni Battista Spinola [who] was born in Genoa on April 16, 1668. Son of Stefano II Marquis di Roccaforte and Maria Giovanna Spinola Pallavicini, he was received into the Order of Malta on August 18, 1682. Captain of the Galley St. Peter on January 21, 1692, Bailiff of Grace on February 16, 1695, Commissioner of Fortifications on July 8, 1695 (confirmed on June 19, 1708 and July 11, 1715), Commissioner of Armaments on June 19, 1696, General of the Galleys on August 7, 1699 […] Ambassador of the Order to Pope Innocent XIII, to Philip V King of Spain and Victor Amadeus of Savoy, Procurator General of the Order in Genoa on May 1, 1723 […] Fra Giovanni Battista Spinola died on January 19, 1737 in Valletta […] In Borgo Nuovo della Rocchetta, Marquisate of Roccaforte, Napoleon IV Spinola, on the initiative of his brother Fra Paolo Raffaele Spinola, opened in 1673 the Stamperia Camerale, which he placed at the disposal of the Order of Malta. In the same year, 1674, Fra Paolo Raffaele Spinola had the Statutes of the Order of Malta printed […] In 1719, in the same printing house, then run by Antonio Scionico, Fra Giovanni Battista Spinola, Receiver General of the Common Treasury, had printed the Trattato dell'Offizio del Ricevitore e dei Procuratori del Comun Tesoro, a compendium on the finances of the Sovereign Order of Malta, compiled by Brother Gio. Maria Caravita, Grand Prior of Lombardy, and revised by Fra Giovanni Battista Spinola himself” (L. Tacchella, Il marchesato di Roccaforte Ligure e il sovrano militare Ordine di Malta, Verona, 1990, pp. 59-67).
Italian Union Catalogue, IT\ICCU\IEIE\003464 and IT\ICCU\TO0E\021832 (Compendio alfabetico).