Bifolium (375x245 mm) written on all four pages. Sewn in contemporary light blu wrappers. With a local tax stamp on the first page and the notary's stamps on the last page. Very well preserved. In order to pay a forced loan and the direct levy which had already expired and to avoid the confiscation of its goods, the abbess and nuns of the Monastery of Corpus Domini in Reggio Emilia agreed to sell some of their land at auction. This legal document contains all the details of the operation and lists the names of all the nuns who were called to attend the sale. At the end it is stated that another official copy of this act was deposited in the archives of Reggio Emilia. A very interesting document that sheds light on a widespread practice during the years of the Cisalpine Republic under Napoleonic occupation, namely the suppression or downsizing of a large number of religious institutions in Italy, whose assets were sold at public auctions.