Leggi ordini, e decreti dell'antica Accademia de' Filergiti della citta di Forlì. Dedicate all'eminentiss. e reverendiss. sig. il sig. card. Volunnio Bandinelli legato della Provincia di Romagna. Sotto il principato del signor commendatore Sigismondo Marchesi cavalier di S. Stefano
Tipografo: Paolo Saporetti
Dati tipografici: Forlì, 1663
4to (195x141 mm). 23, [1] pp. Collation: A12. Full-page engraving at l. A2r by Giambattista Zampa showing the arms of cardinal Bandinelli and those of the Academy (a hive surrounded by bees). Woodcut initials and ornaments. Modern half vellum. Lower outer corner of the half title repaired, some foxing, but a very good copy.
Very rare original edition of the statutes of the famous Accademia de' Filergeti of Forlì. “The laws of the Filergeti were printed under the presidency of Cav. Sigismondo Marchesi, at Forlì by Paolo Saporetti in 1663” (Maylender, II, p. 404ff).