Epistolarum Leonis Decimi Pontificis Max. nomine scriptarum libri sexdecim

Autore: BEMBO, Pietro (1470-1547)

Tipografo: Giovanni Padovano and Venturino Ruffinelli

Dati tipografici: Venezia, 1535

Folio. 185 leaves. A-Z6, AA-HH6 missing HH6, a blank. Modern half vellum, blue edges.

Adams, B-587; Edit 16, CNCE 5003; Index Aureliensis, 116.381; P. Bembo, Lettere. Edizione critica, E. Travi, ed., (Bologna, 1987), I, p. XLIV.


FIRST EDITION of this collection of official letters which Pietro Bembo composed in his position as apostolic notary to Pope Leo X. The volume is dedicated to Pope Paul III (Padua, January 13, 1535). Bembo held this office practically during the whole of Leo X's pontificate (1513-1521). In their published form these letters are good examples of an ultra-Ciceronian style and contain typical pagan phrases that were very characteristic of the age: the Virgin Mary is described as ‘Dea ipsa', Francis I is exhorted ‘per deos atque homines' to undertake a crusade against the Turks. Bembo's elegant Ciceronian Latin set the standard for learned and diplomatic correspondence throughout Europe.

The (581) letters, divided into sixteen books and continuously numbered within each book, are mainly addressed to European rulers and high prelates, but there are also some to artists and men of letters (e.g. Raphael, Marcus Musurus, and Nicolaus Leonicenus). This is Bembo's only letter collection published during his lifetime.

“Le lettere del cardinal Pietro Bembo possono essere suddivise secondo quattro forme espressive: i brevi pontifici da lui stesi e controfirmati, la lettera pastorale, l'epistola di argomento letterario Dell'imitazione in risposta a Giovan Francesco Pico, e le lettere private. Il primo gruppo è ampiamente conosciuto per aver provveduto lo stesso Bembo alla stampa del volume, Petri Bembi Epistolarum Leonis Decimi Pontifici Max. nomine scriptarum libri sexdecim,… anche se esiste fondato motivo per credere che ne permangano di inedite in Italia e fuori” (E. Travi, Pietro Bembo e il suo Epistolario, in: “Lettere Italiane”, XXIV, no. 3, July-September 1972, p. 277).

“Soltanto in questo contesto di vitalità del latino è comprensibile la decisione del Bembo di non tralasciare la cura dell'epistolario latino, e di fare, rispetto ad esso, un'operazione ben diversa da quella riservata alle lettere volgari. Il Bembo mira sempre a sottrarre le sue lettere alla semplice funzione testimoniale, e dà dunque ai suoi diversi epistolari, di volta in volta, una struttura facilmente leggibile, sia essa la struttura della raccolta di exempla (è il caso dei Brevi scritti a nome di Leone X), sia invece quella del ritratto graduato e gerarchizzato degli interlocutori di una intensa vita di relazione (lettere scritte a papi, principi, cardinali, ecc.)” (P. Floriani, Pietro Bembo tra ‘Epistolae familiares‘ e ‘Lettere familiari', in: “La Correspondence (II)”, G. Ulysse, ed., Aix-en-Provence, 1985, p. 167).

“Das einzige, von Pietro Bembo selbst im Januar 1535 in Padua zusammengestellte Epistolar, das zu seinen Lebzeiten gedruckt wurde, die Brevensammlung Epistolarum Leonis Decimi Pontificis Maximi nomine scriptarum libri XVI bot, streng genommen, ein Modell für die diplomatische Korrespondenz, dessen allgemein normative Verbindlichkeit durch das Prestige des Autors der Prose della volgar lingua garantiert war. Das selbstbewusste Vorwort an den neugewählten Papst Paul III. verwies, auch im chronologischen Rückbezug, auf die Endgültigkeit der hier vorgeführten typologischen Lösung. Bembo, der zu diesem Zeitpunkt offizieller Historiograph seiner Heimatstadt war, versah mit der Brevensammlung gleichsam einen parallelen Auftrag: die Schreiben illustrierten als geschichtliche Dokumente die Bedeutung des Pontifikats von Leo X. und zugleich, als formales Vorbild auch für die zukünftigen päpstlichen Abbreviatoren, die wegweisende Rolle seines Sekretärs innerhalb des neuen, durch die Achse Venedig-Rom bestimmten kulturellen Klimas. Ein Anknüpfen an einige der obengenannten Voraussetzungen venezianischer Epistolographie und ihre apologetischen Betrebungen, die in diesem Kontext neu zu definieren waren, rechtfertige möglicherweise gerade die Publikation solcher ‘öffentlichen' Briefe” (B. Marx, Zur Typologie lateinischer Briefsammlungen in Venedig vom 15. zum 16. Jahrhundert, in: “Der Brief im Zeitalter der Renaissance”, F.J. Worstbrock, ed., Weinheim, 1983, p. 151).


(Liber I:)

Loredan, Leonardo, Doge of Venice. Roma, March 15, 1513 (I, l. A4r)

Gonzaga, Francesco, Marquis of Mantova. Roma, March 15, 1513 (II, l. A4v)

Bibbiena, Pietro. Roma, March 17, 1513 (III, l. A4v)

Loredan, Leonardo. Roma, March 17 (IV, l. A5r)

Sigismund I, King of Poland. Roma, March 18, 1513 (V, l. A5r)

[Bruni Corvino, Massimo], Bishop of Isernia. Roma, March 18, 1513 (VI, l. A6r)

Cardona, Raimondo, Viceroy of Naples. Roma, March 22, 1513 (VII, l. A6v)

Duci et Decurionibus Genuae (to the Doge and the decurions of Genoa). Roma, March 22, 1513 (VIII, l. A6v)

Colonna, Prospero. Roma, March 25, 1513 (IX, l. B1r)

Prolegato Piceni (to the pro-legate of Piceno). Roma, March 25, 1513 (X, l. B1r)

Cappello, Paolo. Roma, March 26, 1513 (XI, l. B1v)

Blanchefort, Guy de, Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes. Roma, March 26, 1513 (XII, l. B1v)

Campeggi, Tommaso. Roma, March 29, 1513 (XIII, l. B2v)

Colonna, Marco Antonio. Roma, March 28, 1513 (XIV, l. B2v)

Cardona, Raimondo. Roma, March 30, 1513 (XV, l. B3r)

Magistratibus Regii Lepidi (to the magistrates of Reggio Emilia). Roma, March 31, 1513 (XVI, l. B3r)

Cardona, Antonio, Marquis of Padula. Roma, March 31, 1513 (XVII, l. B3v)

Medici, Giuliano de'. Roma, March 31, 1513 (XVIII, l. B4r)

Cardona, Antonio. Roma, April 1, 1513 (XIX, l. B4v)

Cardona, Raimondo. Roma, April 1, 1513 (XX, l. B4v)

Vladislaus, King of Hungary and Bohemia. Roma, April 1, 1513 (XXI, l. B5r)

Sigismund I, King of Poland. Roma, April 1, 1513 (XXII, l. B5r)

Henri VIII, King of England. Roma, April 3, 1513 (XXIII, l. B5v)

Sacris Virginibus Muratarum Florentiae (to the Vergini Murate of Florence). Roma, April 3, 1513 (XXIV, l. B6v)

Cardona, Raimondo. Roma, April 3, 1513 (XXV, l. B6v)

Sforza, Massimiliano Maria, Duke of Milan. Roma, April 5, 1513 (XXVI, l. C1r)

Ferdinand, King of Spain. Roma, April 4, 1513 (XXVII, l. C1r)

Sanseverino, Bernardino, Prince of Bisignano. Roma, April 6, 1513 (XXVIII, l. C1v)

Boiardo, Giovanni. Roma, April 7, 1513 (XXIX, l. C1v)

Campeggi, Tommaso, Bishop of Feltre and Galanti, Cornelio. Roma, April 6, 1513 (XXX, l. C2r)


(Liber II:)

Bibbiena, Pietro. Roma April 9 , 1513 (I, l. C2r)

Blanchefort, Guy de. Roma, April 10, 1513 (II, l. C2v)

Besalù, Rafael de et sociis apud Venetos mercatoribus (and to his fellows merchants in Venice). Roma, April 11, 1513 (III, l. C2v)

Pallavicino, Antonio Maria. Roma, April 11, 1513 (IV, l. C3r)

Baglioni, Giovanni Paolo. Roma, April 12 , 1513 (V, l. C3r)

Pulica, Francesco. Roma, April 13, 1513 (VI, l. C3v)

Averoldi, Altobello, Bishop of Pola. Roma, April 13, 1513 (VII, l. C3v)

Della Rovere, Francesco Maria, Duke of Urbino. Roma, April 16, 1513 (VIII, l. C4r)

Bibbiena, Pietro. Roma, April 20, 1513 (IX, l. C4v)

Sforza, Ottaviano Maria. Roma, April 23, 1513 (X, l. C4v)

Sforza, Massimiliano Maria. Roma, April 23, 1513 (XI, l. C5r)

Magistratibus Ariminensium (to the magistrates of Rimini). Roma, April 23, 1513 (XII, l. C5r)

Campeggi, Tommaso. Roma, April 26, 1513 (XIII, l. C5r)

Este, Alfonso d', Duke of Ferrara. Roma, April 27, 1513 (XIV, l. C5r)

Gonzaga, Francesco. Roma, April 29, 1513 (XV, l. C5v)

Christian II of Denmark. Roma, April 29, 1513 (XVI, l. C6r)

Este, Ippolito d'. Roma, April 29, 1513 (XVII, l. C6v)

Middelburg, Paulus de, Bishop of Fossombrone. Roma, April 30, 1513 (XVIII, l. C6v)

Sigismund I. Roma, April 30, 1513 (XIX, l. D1r)

Albrecht [von Hohenzollern], Grand Master of the Teutonic Order. Roma, April 30, 1513 (XX, l. D1v)

Conventui et societati Marianorum Theutonicorum (to the Teutonic Order). Roma, April 30, 1513 (XXI, l. D2r)

[Averoldi, Altobello]. Roma, May 1, 1513 (XXII, l. D2v)

Rufino Regii Lepidi magistratui (magistrate in Reggio Emilia). Roma, May 1, 1513 (XXIII, l. D3r)

Martello, Marco, Quaestor of Reggio Emilia. Roma, May 1, 1513 (XXIV, l. D3r)

Civibus et Mercatoribus Lucensibus tribus (to three citizens and merchants of Lucca). Roma, May 21, 1513 (XXV, l. D3r)

Tarasconi, Evangelista and Gambaro, Jacopo da. Roma, May 23, 1513 (XXVI, l. D3v)

Monachis Neapolitanis (to Neapolitan monks). Roma, May 26, 1513 (XXVII, l. D3v)

Bentivoglio Annibale, Anton Galeazzo, Alessandro, and Ermete. Roma, May 26, 1513 (XVIII, l. D3v)

[Averoldi, Altobello]. Roma, May 31, 1513 (XXIX, l. D4v)

Helvetiorum pagis duodecim (to the twelve Swiss cantons). Roma, May 31, 1513 (XXX, l. D5v)

Magistratui Regii Lepidi (to the magistrate of Reggio Emilia) and Martello, Marco. Roma, May 1, 1513 (XXXI, l. D5r)

Bibbiena, Pietro. Roma, May 2, 1513 (XXXII, l. D5r)

Loredan, Leonardo. Roma, May 2, 1513 (XXXIII, l. D5v)

Magistratibus Parmae (to the magistrates of Parma). Roma, May 2, 1513 (XXXIV, l. D5v)

Magistratibus Placentiae (to the magistrates of Piacenza). Roma, May 5, 1513 (XXXV, l. D5v)

Campeggi, Tommaso. Roma, May 5 , 1513 (XXXVI, l. D6r)

Colonna, Marco Antonio. Roma, May 5 , 1513 (XXXVII, l. D6r)

[Averoldi, Altobello]. Roma, May 3, 1513 (XXXVIII, l. D6r)

Vaina, Guido. Roma, May 13, 1513 (XXXIX, l. D6r)

Gonzaga, Francesco. Roma, May 14, 1513 (XL, l. D6v)

[Averoldi, Altobello]. Roma, May 14, 1513 (XLI, l. D6v)

Magistratui Foroliviensium (to the magistrate of Forlì). Roma, May 4, 1513 (XLII, l. E1r)

Este, Alfonso d'. Roma, June 8, 1513 (XLIII, l. E1r)

Loredan, Leonardo. Roma, June 6, 1513 (XLIV, l. E1r)

[Averoldi, Altobello]. Roma, June 9, 1513 (XLV, l. E1v)

Praefectis militum eorumque vicariis (to the prefects of the army and their vicars). Roma, June 9, 1513 (XLVI, l. E2r)


(Liber III:)

Sforza, Massimiliano Maria. Roma, June 11, 1513 (I, l. E2r)

Cardona, Raimondo. Roma, June 13, 1513 (II, l. E2v)

Sforza, Massimiliano Maria. Roma, June 13, 1513 (III, l. E3r)

Cardona, Raimondo. Roma, June 13, 1513 (IV, l. E3v)

Sforza, Massimiliano Maria. Roma, June 13, 1513 (V, l. E4r)

id. Roma, June 13, 1513 (VI, l. E4r)

Magistratui Parmensium (to the magistrate of Parma). Roma, July 17, 1513 (VII, l. E4r)

Blanchefort, Guy de. Roma, June 16, 1513 (VIII, l. E4v)

[Averoldi, Altobello]. Roma, July 20, 1513 (IX, l. E5r)

Blanchefort, Guy de. Roma, June 19 , 1513 (X, l. E5r)

Este, Alfonso d'. Roma, June 20, 1513 (XI, l. E5r)

[Averoldi, Altobello]. Roma, June 18, 1513 (XII, l. E5v)

Magistratui Ravennae (to the magistrate of Ravenna). Roma, June 24, 1513 (XIII, l. E6r)

Sforza, Massimiliano Maria. Roma, June 24, 1513 (XIV, l. E6r)

Este, Alfonso d'. Roma, June 24, 1513 (XV, l. E6v)

id. Roma, June 25, 1513 (XVI, l. F1r)

Della Rovere, Francesco Maria. Roma, June 27, 1513 (XVII, l. F1r)

Helvetiis (to the Swiss). Roma, June 28, 1513 (XVIII, l. F1r)

Sforza, Massimiliano Maria. Roma, June 28, 1513 (XIX, l. F1v)

Della Rovere, Francesco Maria. Roma, June 28, 1513 (XX, l. F2r)

Maximilian I, Emperor. Roma, June 28, 1513 (XXI, l. F2v)

Bibbiena, Pietro. Roma, June 13, 1513 (XXII, l. F3v)

Sforza, Massimiliano Maria. Roma, July 13, 1513 (XXIII, l. F3v)

Joachim I Nestor, Elector of Brandenburg. Roma, July3, 1513 (XXIV, l. F4r)

Sforza, Massimiliano Maria. Roma, July 7, 1513 (XXV, l. F4r)

Della Rovere, Francesco Maria I. Roma, July 8 (XXVI, l. F4v)

Magistratibus Bononiensibus (to the magistrates of Bologna). Roma, July 9, 1513 (XXVII, l. F4v)

Sforza, Massimiliano Maria. Roma, July 10, 1513 (XXVIII, l. F5r)

Hohensax, Ulrich von. Roma, July 12, 1513 (XXIX, l. F5v)

Grafefio, Anselmo. Roma, July 12, 1513 (XXX, l. F5v)


(Liber IV:)

Helvetiis foederatis nostris (to our Swiss allies). Roma, July 14, 1513 (I, l. F6r)

Sforza, Massimiliano Maria. Roma, July 18, 1513 (II, l. G1r)

Borgia, Lucrezia. Roma, July 20, 1513 (III, l. G1r)

Marescotti, Ercole. Roma, July 23, 1513 (IV, l. G1v)

Colonna, Marco Antonio. Roma, July 25, 1513 (V, l. G2r)

[Averoldi, Altobello] and XL viris Bononiensibus (to the 40 men of Bologna). Roma, July 25, 1513 (VI, l. G2r)

Sforza, Massimiliano Maria. Roma, August 6, 1513 (VII, l. G2v)

Musuro, Marco. Roma, August 6, 1513 (VIII, l. G3r)

Verrucchianae Arcis Praefecto (to the prefect of Verrucchio). Roma, August 13, 1513 (IX, l. G3v)

Maximilian I. Roma, August 13, 1513 (X, l. G3v)

Cospi, Angelo. Roma, August 13, 1513 (XI, l. G4r)

Marescotti, Ercole. August 15, 1513 (XII, l. G4r)

Malvezzi, Lorenzo. Roma, August 15, 1513 (XIII, l. G4v)

Bentivoglio, Annibale. Roma, August 18, 1513 (XIV, l. G4v)

Magistratui Perusiae (to the magistrate of Perugia). Roma, August 29, 1513 (XV, l. G4v)

Baglioni, Malatesta. Roma, August 29, 1513 (XVI, l. G5r)

id. Roma, August 30, 1513 (XVII, l. G5v)

Magistratui Foroliviensium (to the magistrate of Forlì). Roma, August 31, 1513 (XVIII, l. G5v)

Gara Della Rovere, Sisto. Roma, September 4, 1513 (XIX, l. G6r)

Magistratui Regii Lepidi et Parmae (to the magistrate of Reggio Emilia and Parma). Roma, September 4, 1513 (XX, l. G6r)

Regii Lepidi Magistratui (to the magistrate of Reggio Emilia). Roma, September 4, 1513 (XXI, l. G6v)

Vladislaus, King of Hungary. Roma, September 5, 1513 (XXII, l. G6v)

Antoine [de Berghues], abbot of Saint-Bertin. Roma, September 7, 1513 (XXIII, l. H2r)

Sassatelli, Giovanni. Roma, September 16, 1513 (XXIV, l. H2v)

Gonzaga, Sigismondo. Roma, September 15, 1513 (XXV, l. H3r)


(Liber V:)

Gara della Rovere, Sisto. Roma, September 16, 1513 (I, l. H3r)

Gonzaga, Francesco. Roma, September 17, 1513 (II, l. H3v)

Gonzaga, Sigismondo. Roma, Sempteber 17, 1513 (III, l. H3v)

Sforza, Massimiliano Maria. Roma, September 17, 1513 (IV, l. H4r)

Magistratui Regii Lepidi (to the magistrate of Reggio Emilia). Roma, September 19, 1513 (V, l. H4r)

Boiardo, Giovanni. Roma, September 19, 1513 (VI, l. H4r)

Ferdinand, King of Spain. Roma, September 23, 1513 (VII, l. H4v)

Fregoso, Ottaviano. Roma, September 25, 1513 (VIII, l. H5r)

[Averoldi, Altobello]. Roma, September 26, 1513 (IX, l. H5r)

Grimani, Domenico. Roma, September 27, 1513 (X, l. H5v)

Bibbiena, Pietro. Roma, September 29, 1513 (XI, l. H5v)

Grasso, Antonio. Roma, October 4, 1513 (XII, l. H6r)

Municipio Ravennati (to the town council of Ravenna). Roma, October 4, 1513 (XIII, l. H6v)

[Averoldi, Altobello]. Roma, October 5, 1513 (XIV, l. H6v)

Crasso, Antonio. Roma, October 5, 1513 (XV, l. H6v)

Loredan, Leonardo. Roma, October 8, 1513 (XVI, l. H6v)

Fregoso, Ottaviano, Doge of Genua. Roma, October 10, 1513 (XVII, l. I1r)

Grimani, Domenico. Roma, October 15, 1513 (XVIII, l. I1r)

[Henry VIII]. Roma, Ovtober 11, 1513 (XIX, l. I1r)

[Campeggi, Lorenzo] and Summonte, Paolo. Roma, October 20, 1513 (XX, l. I2r)

[Schiner, Matthäus]. Roma, October 27, 1513 (XXI, l. I2v)

Medici, Lorenzo de'. Roma, October 27, 1513 (XXII, l. I3r)

Helvetiis (to the Swiss). Roma, October 27, 1513 (XXIII, l. I3r)

Cardona, Raimondo. Roma, October 29, 1513 (XXIV, l. I3r)

[Averoldi, Altobello]. Roma, October 29, 1513 (XXV, l. I3v)

Sforza, Massimiliano Maria. Roma, October 29, 1513 (XXVI, l. I3v)

Magistratui Placentiae (to the magistrate of Piacenza) and Summonte, Paolo. Roma, October 29, 1513 (XXVII, l. I4r)

Cardona, Raimondo. Roma, November 3, 1513 (XXVIII, l. I4r)

Della Rovere, Francesco Maria. Roma, November 3, 1513 (XXIX, l. I4v)

Fregoso, Ottaviano. Roma, November 5, 1513 (XXX, l. I4v)

Magistratui Parmae (to the magistrate of Parma). Roma, November 5, 1513 (XXXI, l. I5r)

[Lang von Wollenburg, Matthäus], Bishop of Gurk. Roma, November 5, 1513 (XXXII, l. I5r)

Municipio Norsino (to the town council of Norcia). Roma, November 6, 1513 (XXXIII, l. I5r)

Colonna, Fabrizio and Colonna, Marco Antonio. Roma, November 6, 1513 (XXXIV, l. I5v)

Avalos, Francisco Fernando d'. Roma, November 6, 1513 (XXXV, l. I5v)

Gonzaga, Francesco. Roma, November 10, 1513 (XXXVI, l. I5v)


(Liber VI:)

Este, Alfonso d'. Roma, November 20, 1513 (I, l. I6r)

Borgia, Lucrezia. Roma, November 20, 1513 (II, l. I6v)

Sforza, Massimiliano Maria. Roma, November 20, 1513 (III, l. K1r)

Paleologo, Guglielmo IX, Marquis of Monferrato. Roma, November 21, 1513 (IV, l. K1v)

Regii Lepidi Magistratui (to the magistrate of Reggio Emilia). Roma, November 26, 1513 (V, l. K1v)

Gonzaga, Giovanni Pietro. Roma, November 24, 1513 (VI, l. K2r)

[Averoldi, Altobello]. Roma, November 24, 1513 (VII, l. K2r)

[Ciocchi del Monte], Antonio [Maria], Cardinal of Bologna. Roma, November 24, 1513 (VIII, l. K2v)

Cardona, Raimondo. Roma, November 25, 1513 (IX, l. K2v)

[Catanei, Tommaso], Bishop of Cervia. Roma, November 25, 1513 (X, l. K3r)

Della Rovere, Francesco Maria. Roma, November 29, 1513 (XI, l. K3v)

Helvetiis, qui apud Genuam sunt (ot the Swiss residing in Genoa). Roma, November 30, 1513 (XII, l. K3v)

Pontis Curvi Magistratibus (to the magistrates of Pontecorvo). Roma, December 13, 1513 (XIII, l. K4r)

[Ciocchi del Monte], Antonio [Maria], Cardinal of Bologna. Roma, December 13, 1513 (XIV, l. K4r)

Paleologo, Guglielmo. Roma, December 22, 1513 (XV, l. K4v)

Ferdinand, King of Spain. Roma, December 24, 1513 (XVI, l. K4v)

[Remolins, Francisco de], Bishop of Sorrento. Roma, December 24, 1513 (XVII, l. K5r)

Fregoso, Federico, Bishop of Salerno. Roma, December 28, 1513 (XVIII, l. K5r)

[Averoldi, Altobello]. Roma, December 29, 1513 (XIX, l. K5r)

Fregoso, Ottaviano. Roma, January 1, 1514 (XX, l. K5v)

Bibbiena, Pietro. Roma, January 4, 1514 (XXI, l. K5v)

Maximilian I. Roma, December 28, 1513 (XXII, l. K6r)

Electors of the Holy Roman Emperor. Roma, December 29, 1513 (XXIII, l. L1r)

Campeggi, Tommaso. Roma, December 29, 1513 (XXIV, l. L1v)

Vladislaus, King of Hungary. Roma, December 30, 1513 (XXV, l. L1v)

Campeggi, Lorenzo. Roma, January 7, 1514 (XXVI, l. L2v)

Maximilian I. Roma, January 7, 1514 (XXVII, l. L2v)

[Averoldi, Altobello]. Roma, January 8, 1514 (XXVIII, l. L2v)

Volteio, Antonio. Roma, January 8, 1514 (XXIX, l. L3r)

Alviano, Bartolomeo. Roma, January 9, 1514 (XXX, l. L3r)

Cardona, Raimondo. Roma, January 10, 1514 (XXXI, l. L3v)

Joachim I Nestor. Roma, January 10, 1514 (XXXII, l. L3v)

[Cardona, Raimondo]. Roma, January 14, 1514 (XXXIII, l. L4r)

Parmae Regiique Lepidi Magistratui (to the magistrate of Parma and Reggio Emilia). Roma, January 16, 1514 (XXXIV, l. L4r)

Sforza, Massimiliano Maria. Tarquinia, January 22, 1514 (XXXV, l. L4v)

Magistratui Sinuessano (to the magistrate of Sinuessa). Centocelle, January 25, 1514 (XXXVI, l. L4v)

Filonardi, Ennio, Bishop of Veroli. Severiano, January 27, 1514 (XXXVII, l. L5r)

Uni ex Primatibus Helvetiorum (to the first among the Swiss leaders). Severiano, January 26, 1514 (XXXVIII, l. L5r)


(Liber VII:)

[Louis XII], King of France. Roma, January 30, 1514 (I, l. L5v)

Claude of France, King's daughter. Roma, January 30, 1514 (II, l. L6r)

Brensellae Pago Helvetiorum (to the Swiss canton of Appenzell). Roma, January 31, 1514 (III, l. L6v)

Cardona, Raimondo. Roma, January 31, 1514 (IV, l. L6v)

Vicario Proregis Neapolis (to the vicar of the Viceroy of Naples). Roma, February 13, 1514 (V, l. M1r)

Carretto, Fabrizio del. Roma, February 13, 1514 (VI, l. M1r)

id. Roma, February 7, 1514 (VII, l. M2r)

[Averoldi, Altobello]. Roma, February 7, 1514 (VIII, l. M2r)

id. Roma, February 7, 1514 (IX, l. M2v)

[Ciocchi del Monte], Antonio [Maria], Cardinal of Bologna. Roma, February 4, 1514 (X, l. M3r)

Promagistro Rhodio in Regno Neapolitano (to the vice-master of the Knights of Rhodes in the Kingdom of Naples). Roma, February 8, 1514 (XI, l. M3r)

Remira, Pietro. Roma, February 8, 1514 (XII, l. M3v)

Sforza, Massimiliano Maria. Roma, February 14, 1514 (XIII, l. M3v)

Maximilian I. Roma, February 15, 1514 (XIV, l. M4r)

[Campeggi], Tommaso [recte Lorenzo]. Roma, February 15, 1514 (XV, l. M4r)

Ferdinand, King of Spain. Roma, February 15, 1514 (XVI, l. M4v)

Loredan, Leonardo. Roma, February 17, 1514 (XVII, l. M4v)

Middelburg, Paulus de. Roma, February 16, 1514 (XVIII, l. M5r)

Sforza, Massimiliano Maria. Roma, February 24, 1514 (XIX, l. M5r)

Burgio, Andrea. Roma, February 24, 1514 (XX, l. M5r)

Petrucci, Borghese. Roma, March 7, 1514 (XXI, l. M5v)

Cardona, Raimondo. Roma, March 14, 1514 (XXII, l. M5v)

Castiglione, Baldassarre. Roma, March 11, 1514 (XXIII, l. M6r)

Magistratui Parmae (to the magistrate of Parma). Roma, March 13, 1514 (XXIV, l. M6v)

Pallavicino, Galeazzo. Roma, March 13, 1514 (XXV, l. M6v)

Parmensibus dono aliquo Reip. affectis. Roma, March 13, 1514 (XXVI, l. N1r)

Rossi, Troilo. Roma, March 13, 1514 (XXVII, l. N1r)

Sforza, Massimiliano Maria. Roma, March 16, 1514 (XXVIII, l. N1v)

Gonzaga, Giovanni Pietro. Roma, March 17, 1514 (XXIX, l. N2r)

Magistratui Placentiae (to the magistrate of Piacenza). Roma, March 18, 1514 (XXX, l. N2r)

Sassatelli, Giovanni. Roma, March 18, 1514 (XXXI, l. N2v)


(Liber VIII:)

Della Rovere, Francesco Maria. Roma, March 15, 1514 (I, l. N3r)

Promagistro Rhodio in Regno Neapolitano (to the vice-master of the Knights of Rhodes in the Kingdom of Naples). Roma, March 24, 1514 (II, l. N3v)

Baglioni, Giovanni Paolo. Roma, March 26, 1514 (III, l. N3v)

Iacobo civi Bononiensi Quaetori militum (Jacopo, citizen of Bologna, superintendent of the army). Roma, March 27, 1514 (IV, l. N4r)

Decurionibus et Magistratui municipii Asculani (to the decurions and magistrate of Ascoli Piceno). Roma, March 21, 1514 (V, l. N4r)

Corretto, Fabrizio del. Roma, April 1, 1514 (VI, l. N4v)

Priori Galliae Cisalpinae Rhodi Promagistro (to the prior of Cisalpine Gaul vice-master of the Knights of Rhodes). Roma, April 1, 1514 (VII, l. N4v)

Magistratui Regii Lepidi (to the magistrate of Reggio Emilia). Roma, April 1, 1514 (VIII, l. N5r)

[Schiner, Matthäus]. Roma, April 17, 1514 (IX, l. N5v)

Vettori, Paolo. Roma, April 21, 1514 (X, l. N5v)

Pepoli, Ugo. Roma, April 22, 1514 (XI, l. N6r)

Rangoni, Guido. Roma, April 22, 1514 (XII, l. N6r)

Sforza, Massimiliano Maria. Roma, April 22, 1514 (XIII, l. N6v)

Ferdinand, King of Spain. Roma, April 28, 1514 (XIV, l. O1r)

Loredan, Lorenzo. Roma, May 1, 1514 (XV, l. O1v)

Magistratui Arimini (to the magistrate of Rimini). Roma, May 5, 1514 (XVI, l. O2r)

Recanatensibus (to the people of Recanati). Roma, June 16, 1514 (XVII, l. O2r)

Maximilian I. Roma, June 16, 1514 (XVIII, l. O2r)

Luna, Giovanni. Roma, June 20, 1514 (XIX, l. O2v)

Savoia, Carlo III di. Roma, April 6, 1514 (XX, l. O3r)

Savoia, Filiberta di. Roma, April 6, 1514 (XXI, l. O3r)

[Savoia, Filippo di]. Roma, April 6, 1514 (XXII, l. O3v)

Louis XII, King of France. Roma, June 13, 1514 (XXIII, l. O3v)

Savoia, Carlo III di. Roma, June 21, 1514 (XXIV, l. O3v)

[Savoia, Filippo di]. Roma, June 21, 1514 (XXV, l. O4r)

Magistratibus Senensium (to the magistrates of Siena). Roma, June 24, 1514 (XXVI, l. O4r)

Santesio, Pindaro. Roma, June 24, 1514 (XXVII, l. O4r)

Reipublicae Florentinae (to the Republic of Florence). Roma, June 24, 1514 (XXVIII, l. O4v)

Vladislaus, King of Hungary. Roma, June 28, 1514 (XXIX, l. O5r)

Magistratui Parmae (to the magistrate of Parma). Roma, June 26, 1514 (XXX, l. O5r)

Paleotti, Annibale. Roma, July 1, 1514 (XXXI, l. O5r)

Campeggi, Tommaso. Roma, July 7, 1514 (XXXII, l. O5v)


(Liber IX:)

Lando, Federico. Roma, July 16, 1514 (I, l. O6r)

Canonicis et societati Ecclesiae Veronensis (to the canons of the Church of Verona). Roma, July 17, 1514 (II, l. O6r)

Sigismund I. Roma, July 18, 1514 (III; l. O6v)

Livoniae Magistro (to the master of the Livonian Order). Roma, July 18, 1514 (IV, l. P1r)

Pallavicino, Antonio Maria. Roma, July 29, 1514 (V, l. P1v)

Sforza, Massimiliano Maria. Roma, July 29, 1514 (VI, l. P2r)

Tornabuoni, Ludovica. Roma, July 30, 1514 (VII, l. P2r)

Municipibus Arimini (to the citizens of Rimini). Roma, July 31, 1514 (VIII, l. P2r)

Scotti, Pietro Maria. Roma, July 31, 1514 (IX, l. P2v)

Magistratui Placentiae (to the magistrate of Piacenza). Roma, July 31, 1514 (X, l. P2v)

Pallavicino Galeazzo and Pallavicino, Antonio Maria. Roma, July 31, 1514 (XI, l. P3r)

Capello, Filippo and Capello, Andrea's sons. Roma, July 28, 1514 (XII, l. P3r)

Raffaello Sanzio. Roma, August 1, 1514 (XIII, l. P3v)

Legato Avinionensi (to the legate of Avignon). Roma, August 9, 1514 (XIV, l. P3v)

[Henry VIII]. Roma, August 13, 1514 (XV, l. P4r)

Medici, Lorenzo de'. Roma, August 7, 1514 (XVI, l. P4r)

Sassatelli, Giovanni and Sassatelli, Gentile. Roma, August 12, 1514 (XVII, l. P4r)

Este, Alfonso d'. Roma, August 12, 1514 (XVIII, l. P4v)

XL viris Bononiensibus (to the 40 men of Bologna). Roma, August 13, 1514 (XIX, l. P5r)

Carretto, Fabrizio del. Roma, July 20, 1514 (XX, l. P5v)

Medici, Lorenzo de'. Roma, July 21, 1514 (XXI, l. P6r)

Gonzaga, Francesco. Roma, July 30, 1514 (XXII, l. P6r)

[Petrucci], Alfonso. Roma, July 31, 1514 (XXIII, l. P6r)

Della Rovere, Francesco Maria. Roma, July 31, 1514 (XIV, l. P6v)

Internuntiis apud Regem Hispaniorum nostris (to our internuncios at the Spanish court). Roma, September 2, 1514 (XXV, l. P6v)

Ferdinand, King of Spain. Roma, September 4, 1514 (XXVI, l. P6v)

Loredan, Leonardo. Roma, September 8, 1514 (XXVII, l. Q1r)

Este, Alfonso d'. Roma, September 9, 1514 (XXVIII, l. Q1r)

Louis XII. Roma, September 20, 1514 (XXIX, l. Q1v)

id. Roma, September 20, 1514 (XXX, l. Q1v)

Navarro, Pedro. Roma, September 20, 1514 (XXXI, l. Q2r)

Municipio Firmano (to the town council of Fermo). Roma, September 20, 1514 (XXXII; l. Q2r)

Helvetiis (to the Swiss). Roma, September 26, 1514 (XXXIII, l. Q2v)

id. Roma, September 27, 1514 (XXXIV, l. Q2v)

Schiner, Matthäus. Roma, September 26, 1514 (XXXV, l. Q3r)

Este, Alfonso d'. Roma, September 28, 1514 (XXXVI, l. Q3r)

Ferrerio, Sebastiano. Roma, September 28, 1514 (XXXVII, l. Q3r)

Albret, [Amanieu d']. Roma, September 28, 1514 (XXXVIII, l. Q3v)

Parrasio, Giano. Roma, October 29, 1514 (XXXIX, l. Q3v)

[Vettori, Paolo]. Roma, September 30, 1514 (XL, l. Q3v)

David, King of Abissinia. Roma, October 10, 1514 (XLI, l. Q4r)

Fregoso, Ottaviano and Fregoso, Federico. Ronciglione, October 6, 1514 (XLII, l. Q4r)

Louis XII. Viterbo, October 13, 1514 (XLIII, l. Q4v)

Della Rovere, Francesco Maria. Viterbo, October 13, 1514 (XLIV, l. Q4v)


(Liber X:)

Neroni, Giovanni. Viterbo, October 7, 1514 (I, l. Q5r)

Canossa, Ludovico, Bishop of Tricarico. Cerveteri, October 21, 1514 (II, l. Q5v)

Vladislaus, King of Hungary. Roma, September 21, 1514 (III, l. Q6r)

[Bakòcz], Temàs. Roma, October 21, 1514 (IV, l. Q6v)

Maximilian I. Roma, November 5, 1514 (V, l. R1r)

Campeggi, Tommaso. Roma, November 5, 1514 (VI, l. R2v)

Carretto, Fabrizio del. Roma, November 12, 1514 (VII, l. R2v)

Ferrerio, Sebastiano. Roma, November 3, 1514 (VIII, l. R3r)

Gherino, Francesco. Roma, November 4, 1514 (IX, l. R3r)

Alviano, Bartolomeo. Roma, November 8, 1514 (X, l. R3v)

Frusto, Vito. Roma, November 12, 1514 (XI, l. R3v)

Sforza, Massimiliano Maria. Roma, November 22, 1514 (XII, l. R4r)

[Fregoso, Ottaviano]. Roma, January 7, 1515 (XIII, l. R4r)

Helvetiis (to the Swiss). Villa Severiana, January 27, 1515 (XIV, l. R4v)

Francis I, King of France. Roma, January 3, 1515 (XV, l. R5v)

Savoie, Louise de. Roma, January 3, 1515 (XVI, l. R5v)

Schiner, Matthäus. Roma, February 14, 1515 (XVII, l. R6r)

Magistratui Parmae (to the magistrate of Parma). Roma, February 15, 1515 (XVIII, l. R6v)

Orsini, Giovanni Giordano. Roma, February 15, 1515 (XIX, l. R6v)

Tucci, Lorenzo. Roma, Feburary 28, 1515 (XX, l. R6v)

Maximilian I. Roma, March 8, 1515 (XXI, l. S1r)

Campeggi, Tommaso. Roma, March 8, 1515 (XXII, l. S1r)

Vladislaus, King of Hungary. Roma, March 30, 1515 (XXIII, l. S2v)

[Beriszló, Péter], Bishop of Veszprem. Roma, March 30, 1515 (XXIV, l. S3r)

Loredan, Lorenzo. Roma, March 30, 1515 (XXV, l. S3r)

Emericus, Prince of Hungary. Roma, April 1, 1515 (XXVI, l. S3v)

Leoniceno, Niccolò. Roma, April 2, 1515 (XXVII, l. S3v)

Loredan, Lorenzo. Roma, April 6, 1515 (XVIII, l. S4r)

Sforza, Massimiliano Maria. Roma, April 20, 1515 (XXIX, l. S4v)

Gualterotti, Filippo. Roma, May 1, 1515 (XXX, l. S4v)

Giovenale, Latino. Roma, May 18, 1515 (XXXI, l. S5r)

Fregoso, Ottaviano and Fregoso, Federico. Roma, May 18, 1515 (XXXII, l. S5r)

Cardona, Raimondo. Roma, May 27, 1515 (XXXIII, l. S5v)

Carretto, Fabrizio del. Roma, May 30, 1515 (XXXIV, l. S5v)

Fregoso, Ottaviano and Fregoso, Federico. Roma, May 30, 1515 (XXXV, l. S6r)

Biassa, Giovanni. Roma, May 30, 1515 (XXXVI, l. S6r)

Trotti, Sigismondo. Roma, June 9, 1515 (XXXVII, l. S6v)

Florentinis (to the people of Florence). Roma, June 17, 1515 (XXXVIII, l. S6v)

Medici, Lorenzo de'. Roma, June 20, 1515 (XXIX, l. S6v)

Ariosto, Ludovico. Roma, June 20, 1515 (XL, l. T1r)

Della Rovere, Francesco Maria. Roma, June 22, 1515 (XLI, l. T1r)

Santacroce, Antonio. Roma, June 22, 1515 (XLII, l. T1v)

[Appiani, Camillo], Lord of Populonia. Roma, June 20, 1515 (XLIII, l. T1v)

Bibbiena, Bernardo. Roma, July 1, 1515 (XLIV, l. T1v)

Loredan, Leonardo. Roma, July 5, 1515 (XLV, l. T2r)

Petrucci, Raffaele, Bishop of Grosseto. Roma, July 20, 1515 (XLVI, l. T2v)

Cardona, Raimondo. Roma, August 7, 1515 (XLVII, l. T2v)

Francis I. Roma, August 7, 1515 (XLVIII, l. T3r)

Della Rovere, Francesco Maria. Roma, August 10, 1515 (XLIX, l. T3r)

Prolegato Umbriae (to the pro-legate of Umbria). Roma, August 16, 1515 (L, l. T3r)

Raffaello Sanzio. Roma, August 27 , 1515 (LI, l. T3v)

Ferdinand, King of Spain. Roma, August 28, 1515 (LII; l. T3v)

Helvetiis (to the Swiss). Roma, August 30, 1515 (LIII, l. T4r)

Reipub. Florentinorum (to the Republic of Florence). Roma, August 30, 1515 (LIV, l. T4v)

[Orsini], Enrico, Count of Nola. Roma, August 31, 1515 (LV, l. T4v)

Helvetiis (to the Swiss). August 31, 1515 (LVI, l. T5r)

Granata, Vincenzo. Roma, August 31, 1515 (LVII, l. T5r)

N. Roma, September 2, 1515 (LVIII, l. T5v)

Della Rovere, Francesco Maria. Roma, August 16, 1515 (LIX, l. T5v)

Colonna, Marco Antonio. Roma, August 16, 1515 (LX, l. T5v)

Francis I. Roma, August 26, 1515 (LXI, l. T6r)


(Liber XI:)

Francis I. Roma, September 27, 1515 (I, l. T6v)

Magno Galliae Magistro (Grand Master of France). Roma, October 27, 1515 (II, l. V1r)

[Savoia, Carlo III di]. Roma, September 27, 1515 (III, l. V1r)

Medici, Giuliano de'. Roma, October 1, 1515 (IV, l. V1r)

Francis I. Roma, October 7, 1515 (V, l. V1v)

Colonna, Marco Antonio. October 7, 1515 (VI, l. V1v)

Magistratui Spoleti (to the magistrate of Spoleto). Tuscania, October 19, 1515 (VII, l. V2r)

Cardona, Raimondo. Tuscania, October 19, 1515 (VIII, l. V2r)

Cardinalibus absentibus singulatim (to the absent cardinals, one by one). Gravisca, October 23, 1515 (IX, l. V2v)

Francis I. Firenze, December 2, 1515 (X, l. V2v)

Giacobazzi, Domenico. Cafaggiolo, December 3, 1515 (XI, l. V3r)

Savoie, Louise de. Bologna, December 11, 1515 (XII, l. V3r)

Maximilian I. Bologna, December 13, 1515 (XIII, l. V3v)

Lang von Wollenburg, Matthäus. Bologna, December 13, 1515 (XIV, l. V4r)

Martina, Vincenzo. Bologna, December 15, 1515 (XV, l. V4r)

Sanbonifacio, Ludovico. Bologna, December 15, 1515 (XVI, l. V4v)

[Manoel I], King of Portugal. Bologna, December 14, 1515 (XVII, l. V4v)

Helvetiis foederis Grisii (to the Swiss league of the canton of Grisons). Firenze, December 28, 1515 (XVIII, l. V5v)

Francis I. Firenze, January 3, 1516 (XIX, l. V6r)

Magistratui Viterbiensi (to the magistrate of Viterbo). Firenze, January 3, 1516 (XX, l. V6r)

Este, Alfonso d'. Firenze, January 27, 1516 (XXI, l. V6v)

[Medici, Bernardino de'], Bishop of Forlì. Firenze, January 29, 1516 (XXII, l. V6v)

Antoine [de Berghues], abbot of Saint-Bertin. Firenze, January 29, 1516 (XXIII, l. V6v)

Maximilian I. Firenze, February 10, 1516 (XXIV, l. X1r)

Vladislaus, King of Hungary. Firenze, January 27, 1516 (XXV, l. X1r)

Charles V of Habsburg. Firenze, February 4, 1516 (XXVI, l. X2r)

[Beriszló, Péter], Bishop of Veszprem. Firenze, March 14, 1516 (XXVII, l. X2r)

Helvetiis vicorum octo (to the Swiss Confederation of eight Cantons). Firenze, March 14, 1516 (XXVIII, l. X2v)

Schiner, Matthaüs. Firenze, Feburary 14, 1516 (XXIX, l. X3v)

Pico, Giovanfrancesco. Firenze, February 25, 1516 (XXX, l. X4v)

Trivulzio, Francesco. Firenze, February 25, 1516 (XXXI, l. X4v)

Gonzaga, Francesco. Firenze, Feburary 25, 1516 (XXXII, l. X5r)

Foix, Odet de. Firenze, Feburary 25, 1516 (XXXIII, l. X5v)

[Filonardi], Ennio, Bishop of Veroli. Roma, February 29, 1516 (XXXIV, l. X6r)

Aragona, Isabella d'. Roma, March 4, 1516 (XXXV, l. X6r)

Foix, Odet de. Roma, March 4, 1516 (XXXVI, l. X6v)

id. Roma, March 4, 1516 (XXXVII, l. X6v)

Baglioni, Giovanni Paolo. Roma, March 4, 1516 (XXXVIII, l. X6v)


(Liber XII:)

Banicevic, Jakov Roma, March 30, 1516 (I, l. Y1r)

Helvetiis (to the Swiss). Roma, April 3, 1516 (II, l. Y1v)

Louis (or Lajos) II, King of Hungary. Roma, April 4, 1516 (III, l. Y2r)

[Beriszló, Péter]. Roma, April 5, 1516 (IV, l. Y2v)

Bacòcz, Tamàs. Roma, April 6, 1516 (V, l. Y2v)

Charles V of Habsburg. Roma, April 7, 1516 (VI, l. Y3v)

Sigismund I. Roma, April 11, 1516 (VII; l. Y4r)

Viterbiensibus (to the people of Viterbo). Roma, April 26, 1516 (VIII, l. Y4v)

Faliscis (to the people of Civita Castellana). Roma, April 26, 1516 (IX, l. Y4v)

Graviscis (to the people of Tarquinia). Roma, April 26, 1516 (X, l. Y4v)

Pitta, Francesco. Roma, April 26, 1516 (XI, l. Y5r)

Fregoso, Federico. Roma, May 5, 1516 (XII, l. Y5r)

Fregoso, Ottaviano. Roma, May 5, 1516 (XIII, l. Y5v)

[Antoine de Berghues], abbot of Saint-Bertin.. Roma, May 10, 1516 (XIV, l. Y6r)

Colonna, Prospero. Roma, May 13, 1516 (XV, l. Y6r)

Charles V of Habsburg. Roma, May 15, 1516 (XVI, l. Y6v)

Medici, Lorenzo de'. Roma, May 16, 1516 (XVII, l. Z1r)

Baglioni, Giovanni Paolo et Sipitiani Dominis (?). Roma, May 16, 1516 (XVIII, l. Z1r)

Campeggi, Tommaso. Roma, May 18, 1516 (XIX, l. Z1v)

[Foix, Odet de]. Roma, May 25, 1516 (XX, l. Z1v)

Francis I. Roma, May 30, 1516 (XXI, l. Z2r)

[Foix, Odet de]. Roma, May 21, 1516 (XXII, l. Z2r)

[Beriszló, Péter]. Roma, May 25, 1516 (XXIII, l. Z2v)

Francis I. Roma, May 15, 1516 (XXIV, l. Z2v)

Maximilian I. Roma, June 1, 1516 (XXV, l. Z3v)

Urbinatibus (ot the people of Urbino). Roma, June 1, 1516 (XXVI, l. Z4r)

Genuensibus (ot the people of Genoa). Roma, June 6, 1516 (XXVII, l. Z4r)

Charles V of Habsburg. Roma, June 19, 1516 (XXVIII, l. Z4v)

Montefeltro Colonna, Agnese. Roma, June 21, 1516 (XXIX, l. Z5r)


(Liber XIII:)

Bacòcz, Tamàs. Roma, June 24, 1516 (I, l. Z5v)

Hominibus Sancti Martini in fines Ariminiensium (to the men of San Martino in Rimini). Roma, June 24, 1516 (II, l. Z6v)

Petro Joanni Gallicae classis Praefecto (prefect of the French fleet) [Pregeant de Bidoux?]. Roma, June 25, 1516 (III, l. AA1r)

Savoia, Filiberta di. Roma, June 30, 1516 (IV, l. AA1v)

[Savoia, Carlo III di]. Roma, June 30, 1516 (V, l. AA1v)

Francis I. Roma, July 1, 1516 (VI, l. AA1v)

Fregoso, Ottaviano et Decurionibus Genuae (and to the decurions of Genoa). Roma, June 30, 1516 (VII, l. AA2r)

Decurionibus Eugubinis (to the decurions of Gubbio). Roma, July 15, 1516 (VIII, l. AA2v)

Strozzi, Matteo. Roma, July 15, 1516 (IX, l. AA2v)

Bibbiena, Bernardo. Roma, July 13, 1516 (X, l. AA3r)

[Orsini, Ferdinando], Lord of Gravina. Roma, July 15, 1516 (XI, l. AA3r)

Carretto, Fabrizio del. Roma, August 22, 1516 (XII, l. AA3v)

Francis I. Roma, August 24, 1516 (XIII, l. AA4r)

Canossa, Ludovico. Roma, August 24, 1516 (XIV, l. AA4r)

Francis I. Roma, August 25, 1516 (XVII, i.e. XV, l. AA4v)

Loredan, Leonardo. Roma, September 4, 1516 (XVIII, i.e. XVI, l. AA4v)

Fregoso, Federico. Viterbo, September 22, 1516 (XIX, i.e. XVII, l. AA4v)

Francis I. Viterbo, September 30, 1516 (XX, i.e. XVIII, l. AA5r)

[Schiner, Matthäus]. Viterbo, October 6, 1516 (XXI, i.e. XIX, l. AA5r)

Francis I. Gallese, October 5, 1516 (XXII, i.e. XX, l. AA5v)

Navarro, Pedro. Gallese. October 7, 1516 (XXIII, i.e. XXI, l. AA5v)

Gallo, Guglielmo. Toscanella, October 10, 1516 (XXIV, i.e. XXII, l. AA6r)

Foix, Odet de. Gravisca, October 15, 1516 (XXV, i.e. XXIII, l. AA6r)

Medici, Raffaello. Palo Romano, October 22, 1516 (XXVI, i.e. XXIV, l. AA6v)

Charles V of Habsburg. Palo Romano, October 22, 1516 (XXVII, i.e. XXV, l. AA6v)

Brixellanis (to the people of Brescello). Centocelle, October 21, 1516 (XXVIII, i.e. XXVI, l. BB1r)

[Jumenes de Cigneros, Francisco]. Roma, November 2, 1516 (XXIX, i.e. XXVII, l. BB1r)

Firmano, Ludovico and Brancadoria, Girolamo. Roma, November 3, 1516 (XXX, i.e. XXVIII, l. BB1v)

Pallavicino, Antonio Maria. Roma, December 1, 1516 (XXXI, i.e. XXIX, l. BB2r)

Pallavicino, Galeazzo. Roma, December 3, 1516 (XXXII, i.e. XXX, l. BB2r)

[Paleologo, Guglielmo IX]. Roma, December 13, 1516 (XXXIII, i.e. XXXI, l. BB2v)

Focaris mercatoribus Germanis (to the Fuggers, German merchants). Roma, December 12, 1516 (XXXIV, i.e. XXXII, l. BB3r)

Foix, Odet de. Roma, December 23, 1516 (XXXV, i.e. XXXIII, l. BB3r)

E.N. Roma, January 3, 1517 (XXXVI, i.e. XXXIV, l. BB3r)

Trissino, Gian Giorgio. Roma, January 5, 1517 (XXXVII, i.e. XXXV, l. BB3v)

Charles V of Habsburg. Roma, January 10, 1517 (XXXVIII, i.e. XXXVI, l. BB3v)


(Liber XIV:)

Este, Alfonso d'. Roma, February 19, 1517 (I, l. BB4r)

Maximilian I. Roma, February 24, 1517 (II, l. BB4v)

Praefecto militum Hispanorum (to the prefect of the Spanish soldiers). Roma, January 25, 1517 (III, l. BB4v)

[Ruiz de la Mota, Pedro], Bishop of Badajoz. Roma, January 24, 1517 (IV, l. BB5r)

Gonzaga, Francesco. Roma, January 25, 1517 (V, l. BB5r)

Octoviris Reipublicae Florentinae (to the eight Priors of the Republic of Florence). Roma, January 26, 1517 (VI, l. BB5v)

Francis I. Roma, January 28, 1517 (VII, l. BB5v)

Ceurio. Roma, January 31, 1517 (VIII, l. BB6r)

Carretto, Fabrizio del. Roma, January 31, 1517 (IX, l. BB6v)

Charles V of Habsburg. Roma, February 11, 1517 (X, l. CC1r)

Ceurio. Roma, February 11, 1517 (XI, l. CC1v)

Maximilian I. Roma, February 11, 1517 (XII, l. CC1v)

Lang von Wellemburg, Matthäus. Roma, February 11, 1517 (XIII, l. CC2r)

Charles V of Habsburg. Roma, February 12, 1517 (XIV, l. CC2r)

Cardona, Raimondo. Roma, February 17, 1517 (XV, l. CC2v)

Francis I. Roma, March 1, 1517 (XVI, l. CC2v)

Foix, Odet de. Roma, January 25, 1517 (XVII, l. CC3r)

Charles V of Habsburg. Roma, February 17, 1517 (XVIII, l. CC3r)

[Ruiz de la Mota, Pedro]. Roma, January 17, 1517 (XIX, l. CC3v)

Charles V of Habsburg. Roma, February 27, 1517 (XX, l. CC3v)

[Henry VIII]. Roma, March 5, 1517 (XXI, l. CC4r)

Francis I. Roma, March 8, 1517 (XXII; l. CC5r)

Loredan, Leonardo. Roma, March 8, 1517 (XXIII, l. CC5r)

id. Roma, March 10, 1517 (XXIV, l. CC5v)

Petrucci, Alfonso. Roma, March 12, 1517 (XXV, l. CC6r)


(Liber XV:)

Louis (or Lajos) II, King of Hungary. Roma, March 17, 1517 (I, l. CC6v)

[Euboicus, Nicolaus], Bishop of Sagunto. Roma, March 20, 1517 (II, l. DD1r)

[Florenszoon Boeyens], Adriaan, Bishop of Tortosa. Roma, March 21, 1517 (III, l. DD1r)

Prolegato Perusiae (to the pro-legate of Perugia). Roma, March 29, 1517 (IV, l. DD1v)

[Guevara, Antonio de], Count of Potenza. Roma, March 21, 1517 (V, l. DD1v)

Societati et Canonicis [S. Petri] (to the canons of St. Peter). Roma, March 21, 1517 (VI, l. DD1v)

Charles V of Habsburg. Roma, Apil 1, 1517 (VII, l. DD2r)

id. Roma, April 3, 1517 (VIII, l. DD2v)

Medici, Lorenzo de'. Roma, April 5, 1517 (IX, l. DD3r)

Francis I. Roma, April 13, 1517 (X, l. DD3r)

Colonna, Prospero. Roma, April 25, 1517 (XI, l. DD3v)

Giovenale, Latino. Roma, April 26, 1517 (XII, l. DD3v)

Berna, Joannes. Roma, May 1, 1517 (XIII, l. DD4r)

Ferrerio, Sebastiano. Roma, May 1, 1517 (XIV, l. DD4r)

Beno, Ameto. Roma, May 2, 1517 (XV, l. DD4r)

[Guevara, Antonio de]. Roma, May 2, 1517 (XVI, l. DD4v)

Francis I. Roma, May 9, 1517 (XVII, l. DD4v)

Baglioni, Giovanni Paolo. Roma, May 4, 1517 (XVIII, l. DD5v)

Decurionibus Tudertinis (to the decurions of Todi). Roma, May 4, 1517 (XIX, l. DD6r)

Baglioni, Giovanni Paolo. Roma, May 17, 1517 (XX, l. DD6v)

Senensibus (to the people of Siena). Roma, May 18, 1517 (XXI, l. DD6v)

Tudertino, Ludovico. Roma, May 18, 1517 (XXII, l. EE1r)

Francis I. Roma, May 19, 1517 (XXIII, l. EE1v)

[Guevara, Antonio de]. Roma, May 22, 1517 (XXIV, l. EE1v)

Sissae Praefecto Gallorum militum (Sissa, prefect of the French soldiers). Roma, May 22, 1517 (XXV, l. EE2r)

Navarro, Pedro. Roma, May 27, 1517 (XXVI, l. EE2r)

Charles V of Habsburg. Roma, May 31, 1517 (XXVII, l. EE2v)

Colonna, Prospero. Roma, June 9, 1517 (XVIII, l. EE2v)

Sissae Praefecto Gallorum militum (Sissa, prefect of the French soldiers). Roma, May 31, 1517 (XXIX, l. EE3r)

Vitelli, [Vitello]. Roma, June 1, 1517 (XXX, l. EE3v)

Helvetiis (to the Swiss). Roma, June 1, 1517 (XXXI, l. EE4r)

Egidio da Viterbo. Roma, June 5, 1517 (XXXII, l. EE4r)

[Ziegler von Ziegelberg, Paul], Bishop of Chur. Roma, June 5, 1517 (XXXIII, l. EE4v)

Ferrerio, Sebastiano. Roma, June 6, 1517 (XXXIV, l. EE5r)

Egidio da Viterbo. Roma, June 18, 1517 (XXXV, l. EE5v)

Cardona, Raimondo. Roma, June 19, 1517 (XXXVI, l. EE5v)

Schönberg, Nikolaus von. Roma, June 20, 1517 (XXXVII, l. EE6r)

Egidio da Viterbo. Roma, June 24, 1517 (XXXVIII, l. EE6r)

Loredan, Leonardo. Roma, July 1, 1517 (XXXIX, l. EE6v)

Trivulzio, Giovanni Giacomo. Roma, June 21, 1517 (XL, l. FF1r)

Prolegato Perusiae (to the pro-legate of Perugia). Roma, July 5, 1517 (XLI, l. FF1r)

Helvetiis (to the Swiss). Roma, July 7, 1517 (XLII, l. FF1v)

Cardona, Raimondo. Roma, July 14, 1517 (XLIII, l. FF2r)

Helvetiis (to the Swiss). Roma, July 9, 1517 (XLIV, l. FF2r)

[Guevara, Antonio de]. Roma, July 15, 1517 (XLV, l. FF3r)

Este, Alfonso d'. Roma, July 15, 1517 (XLVI, l. FF3r)

Pisani, Francesco. Roma, July 21, 1517 (XLVII, l. FF3v)

To the Ridolfi Family of Florence. Roma, July 22, 1517 (XLVIII, l. FF3v)

Bibbiena, Bernardo. Roma, August 8, 1517 (XLIX, l. FF4r)

Pico, Giovanni Francesco. Roma, August 27 , 1517 (L, l. FF4r)


(Liber XVI:)

Charles V of Habsburg. Roma, November 5, 1517 (I, l. FF4v)

Pisani, Francesco. Roma, November 11, 1517 (II; l. FF5r)

Senatui Mediolanensi (to the Senate of Milan). Roma, November 6, 1517 (III, l. FF5r)

Charles V of Habsburg. Roma, December 24, 1517 (IV, l. FF5v)

[Muros, Diego de], Bishop of Oviedo. Roma, January 26, 1517 (V, l. FF6r)

Foix, Odet de. Roma, December 31, 1517 (VI, l. FF6r)

Louis (or Lajos) II, King of Hungary. Roma, January 13, 1518 (VII, l. FF6v)

Cardona, Raimondo. Roma, January 13, 1518 (VIII, l. GG1r)

[Rodriguez de Fonseca, Juan], Bishop of Burgos. Roma, January 12, 1518 (IX, l. GG1r)

Francis I. Roma, January 17, 1518 (X, l. GG1v)

Ianni Albaniae populorum Duci (Giovanni, duke of Albany, called “il duca di Albania”). Roma, January 18, 1518 (XI, l. GG1v)

Charles V of Habsburg. Roma, January 25, 1518 (XII, l. GG2r)

Charles V of Habsburg. Roma, March 12, 1518 (XIII, l. GG2v)

Giovenale, Latino. Roma, March 18, 1518 (XIV, l. GG2v)

[Averoldi, Altobello]. Roma, March 11, 1518 (XV, l. GG3r)

Charles V of Habsburg. Roma, March 15, 1518 (XVI, l. GG3r)

[Della Volta], Gabriele. Roma, January 23, 1518 (XVII, l. GG3v)

id. Roma, February 3, 1518 (XVIII, l. GG4r)

Francis I. Roma, February 16, 1518 (XIX, l. GG5r)

Regii Lepidi Magistratui (to the magistrate of Reggio Emilia). Roma, September 9, 1518 (XX, l. GG5v)

Loredan, Lorenzo. Roma, December 26, 1518 (XXI, l. GG5v)

[Della Volta], Gabriele. Roma, June 5, 1519 (XXII, l. GG6r)

[Aragona], Isabella d', Duchess of Milan. Roma, October 9, 1520 (XXIII, l. HH1r)

Florenszoon Boeyens, Adriaan. Roma, October 21, 1520 (XIV, l. HH1r)

N. Roma, December 8, 1520 (XXV, l. HH2r)

Francis I. Roma, October 12, 1520 (XXVI, l. HH2r)

[Savoie, Louise de]. Roma, October 12, 1520 (XXVII, l. HH3r)

Savoia, Filiberta di. Roma, October 4, 1520 (XXVIII, l. HH3v)

Senatui Regio Mediolanensi (to the royal Senate of Milan). Roma, March 27, 1521 (XXIX, l. HH3v)

Francis I. Roma, April 6, 1521 (XXX, l. HH3v)


Pietro Bembo, born in Venice to a patrician family, received a humanistic education in Florence, Rome, Bergamo and Messina (1492-1494), where he studied under the Greek scholar Constantine Lascaris. In 1496 he published his first work, the Latin dialogue De Aetna. Unsuitable for the political career to which he was destined, he decided to devote himself to literary pursuits. Between 1495 and 1500, while studying philosophy at the University of Padua and attending the courses of Niccolò Leoniceno in Ferrara, he wrote a dialogue on love, Gli Asolani (1505), inspired by his relationship with Maria Savorgnan. In the following years he began composing his major work, Le prose della volgar lingua, which underwent many changes and corrections before it was published for the first time in 1525. Thanks to its huge success (from the expiry of the privilege until the end of the century it appeared in over twenty editions), Le Prose became the model writing manual in the vernacular and imposed the Italian vernacular literature to the attention of the humanists. In 1501 and 1502 he also prepared milestone editions of Petrarch and Dante for Aldo Manuzio's printing house, giving birth to vernacular philology.

Before leaving Ferrara for Venice in 1504, Bembo had a love affair with Alfonso I d'Este's wife, Lucrezia Borgia, to whom he dedicated the first edition of Gli Asolani. In 1506 he moved to Urbino, where he pursued his literary interests and met the playwright and cardinal Bernardo Dovizi da Bibbiena, who soon became his closest friend. In 1513 he wrote De imitatione, a treatise on Ciceronian Latin, and, together with his friend Jacopo Sadoleto, he was appointed by Pope Leo X as secretary of papal briefs in Latin. In 1519, disappointed in his expectations of an ecclesiastical career, he left Rome and retired to his villa in Padua.

From 1519 to 1539 Bembo lived mostly in Padua and Venice, attending to the publications of Le Prose and of his Rime (1530), intended to provide an authoritative example of the principles he had previously theorized. In 1529 he was appointed historian of the Republic of Venice (his Historia Veneta was published posthumously both in Latin and Italian in 1551-1552), and librarian of the Biblioteca Nicena (today Marciana).

In 1539 Pope Paul III ordained him a priest and named him cardinal. He spent the last years of his life either in Rome or in his bishoprics, Gubbio (1541) and Bergamo (1544) (cf. C. Kidwell, Pietro Bembo: lover, linguist, cardinal, Montreal, 2004, passim).
