Epistolæ medicinales locis multis auctæ: in quibus de oxymelitis facultatibus, & curatione pleuritidis, morborúm que articularium tractatur. Eiusdem de hemitritæo, sive de febre semitertiana Libellus. Item, miscellaneorum de re Medica liber omninò vtilis, aliàs non editus
Autore: DUNO, Taddeo (1523-1613)
Tipografo: Johann Wolf
Dati tipografici: Zürich, 1598
8vo. 176 leaves, 1 folding woodcut diagram. A-Y8. Modern vellum, new endpapers.
Adams, D-1134; Index Aurelienis, 157.509; VD 16, D-2973; Vischer, no. N9.
FIRST COLLECTIVE EDITION dedicated by Duno to his fellow exile Lodovico Ronco (Zürich, November 1, 1591). The Epistolae and the De hemitritæo had already been printed at Zürich by Andreas & Jakob Gesner in 1555. Duno's correspondence with some of his physician colleagues deal with a controversy over the proper treatment of pleurisy.
Outstanding are the two letters addressed to Girolamo Cardano and the latter's answer, which is one of the very few surviving contributions by Cardano to the then popular genre of medical epistle (cf. N.G. Siraisi, The Clock and The Mirror. Girolamo Cardano and Renaissance Medicine, Princeton, NJ, 1997, pp. 31-32).
Cigalini, Francesco. Asso, April 17, 1551 (l. 3r)
id. Como, April 19, 1551 (l. 6v)
Zoio, Tommaso. Asso, April 29, 1551 (l. 8v)
Cigalini, Francesco. Asso, April 11, (1551?) (l. 9r)
Cardano, Girolamo. Asso, May 26, (1551?) (l. l3r)
Cigalini, Francesco. Como, May 5, (1551?) (l. 14r)
id. Asso, June 3, 1551 (l. 21v)
from Cardano, Girolamo. Milano, August 10, (1551?) (l. 32v)
Cardano, Girolamo. Asso, October 1, 1551 (l. 40v)
Torriani, Paolo. Asso, June 5, 1553 (l. 56v)
id. Como, June 9 (1553?) (l. 58v)
id. Asso, June 12, 1553 (l. 60v)
from Torriani, Paolo. Como, June 17, 1553 (l. 67v)
Torriani, Paolo. Asso, July 24, 1553 (l. 72r)
Taddeo Duno, a native of Locarno in the Swiss Canton of Ticino, studied humanities and medicine at Basle University. He continued his medical studies with Girolamo Cardano at Pavia and practised for several years at Asso near Como. From this period of his life dates his correspondence. He embraced the Reformation, became one of the Protestant leaders of Locarno and had to emigrate, when the Protestants were banned in 1555. He found a new home in Zürich, where he became town physician in 1567.
Among his numerous friends were Conrad Gesner, Heinrich Bullinger, and Bernardino Ochino, whose Dialogo del Purgatorio he translated into Latin in 1555. Apart several medical works and school books, he wrote a history of the persecution of the Protestants in his native city (cf. F. Mayer, Die evangelische Gemeninde in Locarno, Zürich, 1836, I, pp. 249-246 and II, p. 341; and A. Chenou, Teddeo Duno, in: “Bollettino della Società di Studi Valdesi”, 120, 1966, pp. 55-62).