La republique des Suisses, comprinse en deux livres, contenans le gouvernement de Suisse, l'estat public des treize cantons et de leurs confederez, en general & en particulier, leurs bailliages & iurisdictions, l'origine & les conditions de toutes leurs alliances, leurs batailles, victoires, conquestes, & autres gestes memorables, depuis l'empereur Raoul de Habspourg, iusqu'a Charles V. Descrite en Latin par Iosias Simler de Zurich, & nouvellement mise en François. Avec le pourtraict des villes des treize cantons.

Autore: SIMLER, Josias (1530-1576)

Tipografo: Depuys

Dati tipografici: Paris, 1578

8vo (154x100 mm.). [24], 467, [13] pp. Collation: ϯ8 **4 a-z8 A-G8. Many woodcut head-, tail-pieces, initials and 13 illustrations showing the most important cities of the Confédération Helvétique in the 16th century. Copy slightly browned copy and with some occasional staining, small repairs to the bottom of the title page. On the front flyleaf an ownership manuscript entry ‘Franchon Galliard' and on the front pastedown the entry ‘Hanchette Manthy'; other manuscript entries at the title page, partly inked out (‘ex libris Xaleri Galliolte…1770'). 18's century marbled calf, gilt spine in compartment with lettering piece, marbled edges (worn and rubbed, joins partially opened, small losing to the top and bottom of the spine).

Second edition of this important treatise. Josias Simler was a swiss theologian and humanist, he was professor of New Testament exegesis at Zürich's Carolinum academy where he also taught mathematics and Ptolemaic astronomy, and in 1560 became professor of theology. More importantly, he is well-known for its treatises on Switzerland. Indeed, La republique des suisses is the first handbook of Switzerland as represented by the woodcut with depiction of the Rütli oath surrounded by the coats of arms of the cantons. The treatise is a comprehensive history of the Swiss Confederation, accompanied by a careful analysis of domestic politics, administration and the Swiss constitution is presented. It is therefore the first description of a modern democracy and was regarded as the leading authority on Swiss constitutional matters until the time of Napoleon. Important and very rare edition, the first edition was published in 1576 in Zurich by Foschauer.

Cfr. P. Stadler, Vom eidgenössischen Staatsbewusstsein und Staatensystem, in: “Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte”, 8, 1958, 1-20 pp; G. von Wyss, Geschichte der Historiographie in der Schweiz, Zürich, 1895, 210-212 pp.
