Nosologie naturelle ou les maladies du corps humain distribuées par familles [...] avec 33 planches coloriees. 1817

Autore: ALIBERT, Jean-Louis-Marie (1768-1837)

Tipografo: Germer Bailliere-J.B. Bailliere

Dati tipografici: Paris-London, 1838

4to (356x258 mm). [6], lxxxviii, 616 pp. with the author's portrait as a frontispiece and 33 chromolithograph plates. Contemporary half calf, gilt title on spine (rather worn and rubbed). Some light foxing and browning at places, but a very good large-paper copy.


Third edition (the first was issued in 1817 with 24 plates) of this ambitious and luxurious publication of which only the first volume appeared. With this work Alibert intended to describe the diseases of the human body classified by the name of the organ from which they originate. This first volume describes 10 families: Gastroses - Enteroses - Choloses - Uroses - Pneumonoses - Angioses - Leucoses - Adenoses - Ethmoplecoses - Blennoses.

Alibert was chief physician at the Saint-Louis Hospital (1768-1837), first ordinary physician of King Charles X and founder of the French school of dermatology.


Waller, 358.
