Municipalia Cremae. First colophon (l. S9r): Venice, Aurelio Pinzi, 1536. Second colophon (l. 2A3r): Venice, Giovanni Padovano & Venturino Ruffinelli, 1537

Autore: CREMA

Tipografo: Aurelio Pinzi

Dati tipografici: Venezia, 1536

Formato: in folio

Folio (290x196 mm). [10], 140 [i.e. 141], [4] leaves. Collation: [leaf]10 A4 B-R8 S102A4. Leaves S10 and 2A4 are blank. Large woodcut initial on black ground at l. A1r. The final quire ²A4 contains the errata (Correctio errorum factorum per scriptorem, qui haec statuta magnificae Communitatis Cremae, ab originali exemplavit, antequam imprimerentur) and a new colophon. Early 17th-century full vellum, spine with inked title and pressmark (“P5128”), red edges (lacking ties). Stamp of the Ashburner Collection of Florence at l. S9v (repeated at l. 2A3v). Light marginal stain at the beginning and at the end of the volume, some stains to the last leaves, otherwise a very fresh, wide-margined copy printed on thick paper.

RARE ORIGINAL EDITION of the Statutes of the city of Crema in Lombardy, then part of the Republic of Venice. The Statutes were first issued in 1483 and printed in Brescia in 1484. They are divided into five parts: I - Extraordinariorum; II - Civilium causarum; III - Criminalium; IV - Damnorum datorum; V – Victualium.

The printing had been preceded, as usual, by the publication of the statutes (Publicatio statutorum) for three days between 6 and 8 April 1535: “Lecta et publicata fuerunt suprascripta omnia statuta alta voce per me Narnum Martinengum cancellarium magnificae communitatis Cremae, subtus logiam communis Cremae, sonitu campanarum et tubarum praemisso, uti moris est” (p. 140).

Edit 16, CNCE13708; Sapori, II, p. 777, no. 71; Manzoni, I, pp. 153-154.

(offered together with:)

CREMA. Municipalia Cremae. Colophon: Crema, Mario Carcano, 1723.

Folio (280x194 mm). [10], 141 leaves. Collation: [leaf]10 A4 B-R8 S10. Lacking the last blank leaf. Woodcut coat of arms of the city of Crema and Lion of Saint Mark on title page. Small woodcut representing San Pantaleone, the patron saint of the town, at l. [leaf]10v. Contemporary cardboard “alla rustica” with ink title on spine and barely readable manuscript note on the front cover (“Al Sig. …”). Light marginal stain to lower margin at the beginning and at the end of the volume. A clean, wide-margined copy.

The volume carefully reprints the Pinzi 1536 edition, correcting the many misprints in text and errors in leaf numbering.

Manzoni, I, 154; Fontana, I, 409; Gli statuti in edizione antica (1475-1799) della Biblioteca di Giurisprudenza dell'Università di Firenze, p. 71, no. 106
