PROLAGHI, Zanobio (d. 1579).
PTOLEMY (fl. 2nd cent. AD)-RUSCELLI, Girolamo (c. 1500-1566)-MOLETI, Giuseppe (1531-1588).
RAMINGEN, Jacob von (1510-after 1582).
RAO, Cesare (1532-ca. 1588).
RASCH, Johann (1540-1612).
RAULIN, Jean (1443-1514).
RIDOLFI, Luca Antonio (1510-1570).
RIDOLFI, Lucantonio.
ROJAS, Fernando de (d. 1541).
ROSTINI, Pietro (fl. 16th cent.) - ROSTINI, Lodovico (fl. 16th cent.) - FIORAVANTI, Ludovico (1517-1583).
RUSCELLI, Girolamo (1520-1566).
RUSCELLI, Girolamo, ed. (ca. 1504-1566).
SABELLICO, Marco Antonio (ca. 1436-1506).
SABINUS, Georg (Schuler, 1508-1560).
SACRATI, Paolo (1514-1590).
SADOLETO, Jacopo (1477-1547).
SAINT-DENIS, Antoine de (fl. mid 16th cent.), attr. to.
SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS, Gaius (86-34 a.C.)-ORTICA DELLA PORTA, Agostino tr. (fl. prima metà del XVI sec.).
SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS, Gaius (86-ca. 35 a.C.).
SANSOVINO, Francesco (1521-1583).
SANTORELLI, Luigi Antonio (fl. 2nd half of the 16th century).
SARDI, Alessandro (1520 - 1588).
SCALIGER, Julius Caesar (1484-1558).
SCOPPA, Lucio Giovanni (d. ca. 1543).
SEBASTIANI MINTURNO, Antonio (ca. 1497-1574).
SFORZA, Isabella (1503-1561).
SIGONIO, Carlo (1524-1584).
SIMLER, Josias (1530-1576).
SPECKLE, Daniel (1536-1589).
SPERONI, Sperone (1500-1588).
STURM, Johann (1507-1589).
TAILLEPIED, Noël (ca. 1540-1589).
TASSO, Bernardo (1493-1569).
TASSO, Torquato (1544-1595).
TAUBMANN, Friedrich (1565-1613).
TELLUCCINI, Mario (fl. 2nd half of the 16th cent.).
TERENTIUS AFER, Publius (ca. 190-159 a.C.).
THEOPHILUS PROTOSPATHARIUS (fl. 7th cent.)-CORRADO, Lodovico (fl. 16th cent.).
THOMAS AQUINAS (1225-1274).
TIXIER DE RAVISY, Jean (ca. 1470-1525).
TOLOMEI, Claudio (1492-1555).
TOMMASI, Francesco (c. 1515-1590).
TORRENTINUS, Hermannus (ca. 1450-1520)-TOSCANELLA, Orazio tr. (1510-1580).