Labyrinthus commercii terrestris, et navalis, e patrio hispano idiomate in latinum versus, in quo breviter agitur De Mercatura, & Negociatione Terrestri, atque Maritima: tractatus utilis, et fructuosus Tum Mercatoribus, & Negociatoribus, Navigantibus, & suis Consulatibus, tum Judicia Administrantibus, Professoribus Juris, aliisque Personis. Cum indice locupletissimo.

Autore: HEVIA, Juan de

Tipografo: Pietro Antonio Brigonci

Dati tipografici: Firenze, 1702

Formato: in folio

Folio; recent paperboards; (8), 203, 164 pp. A nice, wide-margined copy.
FIRST AND ONLY LATIN EDITION of this successful treatise on commerce, which was first published at Lima in 1617 and enjoyed many reprints until mid 19th century. The first part is dedicated to the overland trade, with chapters on the exchange rate, the banks, the currencies, the weights and the measures, the taxes, the usury, the commercial frauds and the accounting books; the second part deals with the maritime trade and contains observations on the customs, the freight, the marine insurance, the shipwrecks, etc.
Juan de Hevia Bolaño, a Spanish jurist, worked at the chancelleries of Valladolid and Granada, before moving in 1588 to Lima, Peru.
Catalogo unico, ITICCUMILE 05372.

